If you have been with Persephone and feel a need to rise to the light, this is for you~
Leaving darkness behind we take flight to the light
Unable to sustain our need for growth we rise to the light
From September to March we withdraw into the internal
We let change have its way with us
Take root in the darkness, the unknown, the void
I grieve that I must leave the moist comfort of my internal safe world
But the light draws me
She calls me
My Soul yearns
To live in the light again
I had a dream I was holding a bird
A large, calm bird, in my arms
Who kept changing who she was
She was mine and I was hers
I wondered later, why I was holding the bird
Carrying her along, why she was not flying
She seemed, at home
Have I grown so comfortable in my rootedness
Have I lost my instinct to fly
Am I afraid that if I let go and fly so high
I will be untethered from all I love and cherish
Will I want to come home
Who will I be without my home
As the Spring calls to me
My Soul wants to answer
I have been home long enough
I have been in the underground
It is time to rise to the light